Saturday, May 14, 2011


Question: Weird hiragana? (With dakuten attached?)

I read a “Happy Tree Friends” fan-comic and “Eerie Queerie!”, but found two weird hiragana.

なぜは「あ」と「み」が濁点を付けるか。どうは「あ゛」と「み゛」を言いますか。(どうはローマ字で「あ゛」と「み゛」を書きますか。)「あ゛」と「み゛」は「ヴ」と同じですか(エグザンプル :ヴィーナス)。
Why are dakuten attached to あ and み? How do I say あ゛ and み゛? (How do I write あ゛ and み゛ in romaji?) Are あ゛ and み゛ the same as ヴ (Example: ヴィーナス)?

Someone told me: あ゛ and み゛ don‘t exist in hiragana. They are impossible sounds.

み゛: The girl's crying voice is so loud, the sound is something beyond description, so the author chose the impossible み゛.

あ゛: The girl is shouting too much, her voice has gone hoarse, so the author chose the impossible あ゛.

おかしみです。エグザンプル :アメリカの漫画、誰かは「ノォォォォォォ!」をと言いました。これは辞書の中ありません、でもこれはロング「ノ!」を分かります。
It’s "wit" or "humor". Example: In American comics, someone says, "Nooooooo!" That isn’t in a dictionary, but it’s understood as a long "No!"

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