Wednesday, November 14, 2012

「Fluent in 3 months(三ヵ月後ぺらぺらになる)」

Yesterday, I read an amazing blog.

「Fluent in 3 months(三ヵ月後ぺらぺらになる)」というブログです。( )
It's called "Fluent in 3 months." ( LINK )

The author is an Irish man named Benny.

Benny knows languages like English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Mandarin Chinese.

For example, Benny didn't understand Mandarin Chinese and went to Taiwan for three months.

1. Benny's Mandarin Chinese was very bad, but every day, he only spoke Mandarin with Chinese people. (Making friends, talking to people on the bus, shopping...)


2. Later at home, Benny studied Mandarin. (Books, computer, Skype...)

3. Late at night, Benny finally spoke English. (E-mail and blog in English.)

三ヵ月後Bennyさんの北京語が上手になりました。恥ずかしくて、大変なことですが、早くならいました。(三ヵ月後まだBennyさんはペラペラではないけど、中級か上級です。) (In English, he would be called "conversational." It means he can "hold a conversation." 英語でBennyさんは「conversational」です。意味は「Bennyさんが人々のお話しを分かって、人々がBennyさんのお話を分かります。」)
After 3 months, Benny got good at Mandarin Chinese. It was an embarrassing and difficult thing, but he learned fast. (After 3 months, Benny is still not fluent, but is intermediate/advanced.) (In English, he would be called "conversational." It means he can "hold a conversation.")

私は三年日本語を勉強しました。だけど、日本人と話したことがありません!OTL 「恥ずかしくて、怖い!」と思いました。本当に独りで、日本語を上手になることができません。Skpeを使う方がいいです…(=~=;; )
I've studied Japanese for 3 years. However, I have never spoken with a Japanese person! OTL "Embarrassing, scary!" I thought. It's truly impossible to become good at Japanese alone. I should use Skype... (=~=;;; )

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