Wednesday, June 20, 2012

PorchPuppy --> Haley

I changed my username.

「PorchPuppy」は私のキャラクターです。 「Haley(ヘイリー)」は私の名前です。アバターはまだ古いです。
"PorchPuppy" is my character. "Haley" is my name. My avatar is still old.

子アリゲーターは英語(南部出身)で「porch puppy」と言います。
私のPorchPuppyキャラは獣耳から Gaia Online です。( )私とPorch Puppyが見たくないです。o_0
In English (in the south), a baby alligator is called a "porch puppy."
However, in simple English, it's merely a puppy. A puppy sleeping on a porch.
My character, PorchPuppy, is a kemonomimi from Gaia Online. ( ) PorchPuppy and I don't look the same. o_0

「Porch(ポーチ)」は家のドアの前にです。(「玄関」は同じだと思います。)「Front porch」として知られている。ここに人が座って、しゃべるします。
A "porch" is in front of the door of a house. It's known as a "front porch." (A "玄関" is the same, I think.) People sit and talk here.

Anyhoo, I'm Haley. Nice to meet you~! ^v^

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

外人の漫画家? / Manga artist foreigners?

At artist communities, some people say, "I want to go to Japan and become a manga artist!"

そんなことを聞くは少し気の毒なと思います。 :S
Hearing that kind of thing is a little pitiful, I think. :S

I don't know any famous foreigner manga artists who came to Japan. (Because they came to Japan and drew, they became famous. Not already a famous American artist.)

They think, "I have a chance in Japan!" Most Americans can't speak Japanese.

私の意見が正しいですか?私は意地悪するつもりがない。 :S
Is my opinion right? I don't intend to be mean. :S

In America, the meaning of the word "otaku" is similar. American otakus are young and like manga, anime, and drawing.

They haven't gone to college yet. I think they're still ignorant of the ways of the world. They only know fiction (manga, anime, and a false impression of Japan).

(すみません、私の日本語は下手です。このブログは書きにくかったです。@@; 私の書くことが理解しにくいだと思います。)
(I'm sorry, my Japanese is bad. This blog was hard to write. @@; I think my writing is hard to understand.)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

お久しぶりです / Long time no see

Ug, I'm tired. I don't feel like writing, but I have to. Although I'm busy, I don't want to be negligent.

次のブログは私の楽しくて、面白いことを詳しく書きます。 ^-^
Next blog, I'll write about fun and interesting things in detail. ^-^

ホープ(双子)と私は日本語で「ケラ!」の雑誌(これ: )と「黒執事」の第13巻を買いました。びっくりした、「黒執事」が少し読みやすかったです。だけど、「ケラ!」が読みにくかったです。
Hope (twin) and I bought "KERA!" magazine (this one: ) and "Black Butler" volume 13 in Japanese. I was a little surprised, "Black Butler" was a little easy to read. However, "KERA!" was hard to read.

たくさん実用日本語が分かりません!三時間、「ケラ!」の表示を訳しました。 orz 辞書で知らない漢字を書くことが遅かったんです。
I don't know a lot of practical Japanese! For three hours, I translated the cover of "KERA!". orz Writing unknown kanji in the dictionary is really slow, that's why.

けっきょく、私は新しい言葉を覚えました:「新作」。 XD;;; 「黒執事」はファンタジーな言葉がある。例えば、私はCLAMPの「X(エックス)」が分かります。そんな日本語は易いから同じ言葉が漫画とアニメ、曲であります。
In the end, I memorized a new word: "New (work)". XD;;; As for "Black Butler," it has fantasy words. For example, CLAMP's "X/1999" is easy for me to understand. That kind of Japanese is easy, because the same words are in manga, anime, and music.