Monday, May 21, 2012


First English songs you memorized...?

Everyone, what was the first English song lyrics you learned? Why? For example...:

1) Your first "traditional" English song (like "The A.B.C.'s" or "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star").

2) Your first pop, rock, country, etc. lyrics.

Of course, because of karaoke in Japan, you probably learned English lyrics easily, right? In America, karaoke is only in cheap bars and wedding receptions. The lyrics are only in English, too.

1) My first "traditional" Japanese song:

During high school, I learned "Koinobori" by myself. It was for fun's sake.

"Koinobori" had the easiest tune out of the other songs on a certain website. It had an clip of a woman singing the song, so I picked it.

At the time, I didn't know any Japanese, so I learned how to write the song in hiragana.

2) My first rock lyrics:

はっきりとは思い出せません。どちらのWeiß Kreuz(ヴァイスクロイツ)の「Velvet Underworld」かBUCK-TICKの「月世界」でした。(www)
I can't remember clearly. It was either Weiß Kreuz's "Velvet Underworld" or Buck-Tick's "Gessekai." (lol)

ホープ(双子)は当時Weiß Kreuzを見ました。「月世界」は「ナイトウォーカー真夜中の探偵」のオープニング・テーマです。ホープとコートニー(友達)と私は「ナイトウォーカー」が好きです。XD; おかしすぎります。
Hope (my twin) was watching Weiß Kreuz. "Gessekai" is the theme song for "Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective." Hope, Kortney (friend), and I like "Nightwalker." XD; It's too funny.

Monday, May 14, 2012

「The Cabin In The Woods」の予告編の訳(やく)

Translation of "The Cabin In The Woods" trailer

明夜、私と友達のコートーニー、双子のホープは「The Cabin In The Woods」を見に行きます。これは典型的なホラー映画だけではありません。
Tomorrow night, my friend Kortney, twin Hope, and I are going to see "The Cabin In The Woods." This isn't just a typical horror movie.

I translated the trailer into Japanese:

本当に一分だけですが... XD;; ORZ
Actually, only 1 minute of it. XD;; ORZ

0:09 男1:皆さん、行きましょうか?
0:09 Man 1: Everybody ready?

0:10 ヲゥゥ~!
0:10 Woo~!

0:11 男2:始まろう!
0:11 Man 2: Let's get this show on the road!

0:12 皆:うん!
0:12 All: Yeah!

0:14 女:ここはGPSで表示しません。グローバル・ポジショニングがここに値しません。
0:14 Girl: It doesn't even show up on the GPS. It's unworthy of global positioning.

0:18 男3:これは的をいていります、ね?地図から自分を消します、ね。
0:18 Guy 3: That's the whole point. Get off the grid, right?

:24 ライオンズゲート
0:24 Lionsgate

0:26 男1:おはようございます~?これはクレジットカードを使えないと思います。
0:26 Man 1: Hello~? I'm thinkin' this thing doesn't take credit cards.

0:31 店員:標識には「休業」と書いています!
0:31 Clerk: Sign says "Closed!"

0:33 男1:僕たちは、あの、何という所ですか。
0:33 Man 1: We're lookin' for, uh, what's it called?

0:36 女:テレマーン・ロードです。
0:36 Girl: Teleman Road.

0:37 店員:わしはあそこに連れて行くことができます。だけど、帰ることは...あなたたちの関心事です。
0:37 Clerk: I could get'cha there. But gettin' back... that's your concern.

0:43 男1:あははは、これはすごいですよ。
0:43 Man 1: Ahahaha, this is awesome.

0:46 あなたはこのプロット (物語)を思って信じます。
0:46 You think you know the story.

0:48 男1:ウオォ。まさか。
0:48 Man 1: Woah. No way.

0:54 あなたはこのところを思って信じます。再考しなさい。
0:54 You think you know the place. Think again.

1:05 科学者:羊たちが結界で入りました。死ぬ階に来ました。
1:05 Scientist: The lambs have passed through the gate. They have come to the killing floor.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

「小さく」...? "Small"...?

I listened to MUCC's "FUZZ" lyrics. The lyrics are "小さく君が口ずさむ."

I don't understand the meaning of this "小さく." (However, I understand the meaning of "小さい.")

辞書の定義は「小さい = small, little; soft (sound)」です。
The dictionary definition is "小さい = small, little; soft (sound)."

1. "Quietly, you sing to yourself" (小さく歌えます) (quietly singing)
2. "You sing to yourself a little" (少し歌えます) (singing a little)
3. "The small you sings to yourself" (小さく人) (small person)

Thank you. (@_@;)